Packages changed:
  ImageMagick ( ->
  accerciser (3.34.2 -> 3.34.3)
  argyllcms (1.9.2 -> 2.1.1)
  frei0r-plugins (1.6.1 -> 1.7.0)
  libepoxy (1.5.3 -> 1.5.4)
  shotwell (0.30.7 -> 0.30.8)

=== Details ===

==== ImageMagick ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: ImageMagick-config-7-SUSE ImageMagick-extra libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI4 libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI7 libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI7 perl-PerlMagick

- version update to
  * xc:white no longer creates a black PNM image (reference
  * Sync pixel cache for -kmeans option.
  * Thread -kmeans option.
  * PSD: only set the alpha channel when type is not 0.
  * Fix Lab to custom profile (CMYK or RGB) conversion bug (reference
  * Fix Build failure with MinGW-w64 (reference
  * Inject image profile properties immediately after the image is read.
  * Replace pseudo-random number generator with a Xoshiro generator.
  * The -layers optimize option requires a fully transparent previous image.
  * Some clang releases do not support _aligned_alloc().
  * Support -kmeans command-line option.
  * The -layers optimize option requires a fully transparent previous image.

==== accerciser ====
Version update (3.34.2 -> 3.34.3)
Subpackages: accerciser-lang

- Update to version 3.34.3:
  + Updated translations.

==== argyllcms ====
Version update (1.9.2 -> 2.1.1)

- Use pkgconfig(libpng) BuildRequires, the build system looks for
  the unversioned and falls back to its bundled version.
- Remove bundled zlib source, otherwise it is built even when the
  system zlib is found. This triggers a fatal rpm check failure on
  Leap 15.x due to compiler warnings.
- Also remove bundled png/tiff/axTLS sources.
- Remove pkgconfig(mxml) dependency, ArgyllCMS bundles a patched one.
- Update to v2.1.1
  * Added SpyderX support
  * Changed spotread -E option to work with all the spectral instruments
  * Improvements and bug fixes to oeminst and oemdnld
  * Increased maximum render channels to 16
  * Added -O option to collink to allow creating a link purely from calibration file
  * Added -w parameter to spotread, to use the -i parameter illuminant for L*a*b* calculation
- Remove obsolete patch argyllcms-decl.patch

==== frei0r-plugins ====
Version update (1.6.1 -> 1.7.0)

- Update to version 1.7.0
  * This release includes three new filters, code cleanups and several
    bugfixes improving stability of existing plugins.
  * New filters (3): normaliz0r, elastic_scale, premultiply.
  * Updated (47): alpha0ps, baltan, bgsubtractor, bluescreen0r, blur,
    c0rners, cairogradient, cairoimagegrid, cartoon, cluster,
    coloradj, colorhalftone, curves, d90stairsteppingfix, defish0r,
    delay0r, edgeglow, emboss, facebl0r, facedetect, levels,
    lightgraffiti, measure, ndvi, nervous, nosync0r, primaries,
    rgbnoice, rgbsplit0r, scanline0r, select0r, sopsat, spillsupress,
    three_point_balance, timeout, tutorial, vertigo, vignette, water,
    alphaatop, alphain, alphaout, alphaover, alphaxor,
    cairoaffineblend, cairoblend, xfade0r
- Drop obsolete patches:
  * frei0r-plugins-1.4-missing_include.patch
  * frei0r-plugins-openCV-3.0-compatibility.patch
  * frei0r-plugins-openCV-3.4.2-compatibility.patch
- Fix compilation with OpenCV 3.4.9/4.2.0
  * 0001-Port-facebl0r-to-OpenCV-C-API.patch

==== kbd ====
Subpackages: kbd-legacy

- Move pam.d/vlock to /usr/etc

==== libepoxy ====
Version update (1.5.3 -> 1.5.4)

- Update to version 1.5.4:
  + Don't build GLX tests if X11 support is disabled
  + Add unit tests for epoxy_gl_version()
  + Reduce the size of the binary by reusing static strings
  + Fix build on Solaris
  + Update the GL registries
- Only require python3-base package for building instead of
  full python3 package.
- Allow building with meson 0.46:
  Add Lower-the-minimum-required-version-of-Meson.patch

==== llvm9 ====
Subpackages: clang9 clang9-checker clang9-doc libLLVM9 libLTO9 libc++-devel libc++1 libc++abi-devel libc++abi1 libclang9

- Enable support for riscv64
- clang-riscv64-rv64gc.diff, riscv64-suse-linux.patch,
  llvm-riscv64-fix-cffi.diff, D60657-riscv-pcrel_lo.diff: Backports from

==== osinfo-db ====

- bsc#1159445 - [virt-manager] Detected the wrong win guest system
  version from the local install media

==== plasma-framework ====
Subpackages: libKF5Plasma5 plasma-framework-components plasma-framework-lang

- Add calendar-Check-out-of-bounds-array-access.patch to fix a
  possible crash with a "broken" locale setup (boo#1159871)

==== shotwell ====
Version update (0.30.7 -> 0.30.8)
Subpackages: shotwell-lang

- Update to version 0.30.8:
  + Fix keyboard shortcut for adding tags.
  + Fix Tumblr publishing.
  + Fix month name translation in date/time chooser.
  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/shotwell#166, glgo#GNOME/shotwell#196.
  + Updated translations.

==== sssd ====
Subpackages: libsss_certmap0 libsss_idmap0 libsss_nss_idmap0 sssd-32bit sssd-krb5-common sssd-ldap

- SSSD should accept host entries from GPO's security filter, add
  sssd-gpo_host_security_filter-2.2.2.patch; (jsc#SLE-9298)

==== tcpdump ====

- ignore make check failure for PowerPC as tracked upstream