Packages changed:
  python-PyYAML (5.3 -> 5.3.1)
  python-decorator (4.4.1 -> 4.4.2)
  python-packaging (20.1 -> 20.3)
  python-psutil (5.6.7 -> 5.7.0)

=== Details ===

==== libproxy ====

- Remove few SLE11 conditions
- Fix build without python2 available

==== python-PyYAML ====
Version update (5.3 -> 5.3.1)

- update to 5.3.1
  * fixes boo#1165439 (cve-2020-1747) Prevents arbitrary code execution
  during python/object/new constructor

==== python-decorator ====
Version update (4.4.1 -> 4.4.2)

- update to 4.4.2:
  * removing the usage of `__file__`, that was breaking PyOxidizer.
  * fixes for the future Python 3.9.
  * some fixes for the future Python 3.10.

==== python-jsonschema ====

- Add patch to fix build with new webcolors:
  * webcolors.patch

==== python-msgpack ====

- Fix build without python2

==== python-packaging ====
Version update (20.1 -> 20.3)

- Update to 20.3
  * Fix a bug that caused a 32-bit OS that runs on a 64-bit ARM CPU
    (e.g. ARM-v8, aarch64), to report the wrong bitness.
- Drop already upstreamed patch issue_254.patch

==== python-psutil ====
Version update (5.6.7 -> 5.7.0)

- Update to 5.7.0:
  * Various fixes to build with updated kernel/etc.
- Remove merged patch pr_1665.patch and pr_1364.patch
- Update patch skip-obs.patch
- Remove skip-test-missing-warnings.patch as it can be fixed by
  properly calling the tests

==== python-setuptools ====

- Fix build without python2

==== python-tornado4 ====

- Fix build without python2