Packages changed:
  glib2 (2.62.3 -> 2.62.4)
  vim (8.2.0000 -> 8.2.0063)

=== Details ===

==== glib2 ====
Version update (2.62.3 -> 2.62.4)
Subpackages: glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0

- Update to version 2.62.4:
  + Apply recursion depth limits to variants in D-Bus messages.
  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#1938, glgo#GNOME/GLib!1240,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!1257, glgo#GNOME/GLib!1266,
    glgo#GNOME/GLib!1276, glgo#GNOME/GLib!1290.

==== openldap2 ====

- use BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(krb5) instead of krb5-devel-mini

==== vim ====
Version update (8.2.0000 -> 8.2.0063)
Subpackages: vim-data-common

- Updated to version 8.2.0063, fixes the following problems
  * #endif comments do not reflect corresponding #ifdef.
  * "dj" only deletes first line of closed fold.
  * Build file dependencies are incomplete.
  * Get E685 and E931 if buffer reload is interrupted.
  * Duplication in version info.
  * Test using long file name may fail. (Vladimir Lomov)
  * Popup menu positioned wrong with folding in two tabs.
  * Test72 is old style.
  * Test64 is old style.
  * Screen updating wrong when opening preview window.
  * Some undo functionality is not tested.
  * Not using a typedef for condstack.
  * Test69 and test95 are old style.
  * Not all modeline variants are tested.
  * Test name used twice, option not restored properly.
  * :join does not add white space where it should. (Zdenek Dohnal)
  * Cannot get number of lines of another buffer.
  * Mouse clicks in the command line not tested.
  * Click in popup window doesn't close it in the GUI. (Sergey Vlasov)
  * Command line editing not sufficiently tested.
  * Filetype Rego not recognized.
  * Repeated word in comment.
  * Still some /* */ comments.
  * Searchpairpos() is not tested.
  * "gF" does not work on output of "verbose command".
  * Crash when make_extmatch() runs out of memory.
  * Missing check for out of memory.
  * Saving and restoring called_emsg is clumsy.
  * Not enough test coverage for match functions.
  * Missing renamed message.
  * Spell suggestions insufficiently tested.
  * Memory access error when "z=" has no suggestions.
  * Timers test is still flaky on Travis for Mac.
  * Leaking memory when selecting spell suggestion.
  * Clearing funccal values twice.
  * Timers test is still flaky on Travis for Mac.
  * Expression type is used inconsistently.
  * Script test fails.
  * Tests for spell suggestions are slow.
  * Another timers test is flaky on Travis for Mac.
  * Command line completion not fully tested.
  * After deleting a file mark it is still in viminfo.
  * Command line completion test skipped. (Christian Brabandt)
  * More-prompt not properly tested.
  * windowsversion() does not always return the right value.
  * :diffget and :diffput don't have good completion.
  * Cannot use ":gui" in vimrc with VIMDLL enabled.
  * Execution stack is incomplete and inefficient.
  * Cannot build with small features.
  * Running tests changes ~/.viminfo.
  * Compiler warnings for unused variables in small build. (Tony Mechelynck)
  * Message test only runs with one encoding. (Dominique Pelle)
  * The execute stack can grow big and never shrinks.
  * Wrong size argument to vim_snprintf(). (Dominique Pelle)